Take control of your treatment

If you’re living with Parkinson’s Disease (PD), it may feel like you’re losing small steps over time. Through education, the proper care team, and even life-altering treatments, you can create a plan that helps you feel more like you. 

Your diagnosis is personal

Parkinson’s Disease is personal in symptoms and progression. PD is a movement disorder that affects your ability to control or initiate movement, resulting in symptoms like tremor, slow movement, rigidity, and postural instability.1,2

Support at every stage

In the initial stage of your journey, exercise, mindfulness practices, and relaxation may be all the healing you need. As Parkinson’s progresses, medication, support groups, and personalized, life-changing therapies can help.3 

Find a Parkinson’s treatment team

Do I talk to a primary care doctor? Which specialist do I choose? What questions do I ask at my appointment? As you navigate your PD diagnosis, finding the right care team shouldn’t be a question. Let us help.

The path of Parkinson’s

Parkinson’s Disease is a progressive and degenerative disease that advances over time and varies from person to person. As PD progresses, you may notice a decrease in efficacy of your medication or an increase in side effects. As changes arise, talk to your care team immediately about life-changing alternatives that may reduce symptoms.1,2

Supporting a loved one with PD

If someone you love has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, there are resources and support groups to help.

Join the "DBS for Parkinson's: A Neurosurgeon's Perspective " webinar April 02.

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